
Let Jindal School graduate accounting students assist you.

Does your organization have a problem or challenge on the “back burner” due to a lack of resources? If so, The University of Texas at Dallas Naveen Jindal School of Management welcomes the opportunity for a team of Master of Science Accounting students to help you develop a solution. This is a FREE service. Project duration is based by semester, but can be somewhat flexible within the semester. Projects may be accepted each semester year-round.

Project Duration by Semester
Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer Semester
Late August – Early December Mid January – Early May Late May – Early August
Project Connection Form Donate

Facts and Figures


Projects Completed


Businesses Submitting Projects


Students Completing Projects


  • Organizations can connect with our students for project completion, potentially saving time and money, while allowing students to gain valuable practical experience and contribute to your success. Completing projects for class credit also promotes the development of communication and transferrable skills. All projects will have faculty oversight.
  • Many JSOM Master of Accounting students have undergraduate degrees in other majors, which may allow them to complete a variety of projects.
  • You define the scope and work closely with the team members as they develop a recommended course of action based on their research.
  • The student team will provide you with a comprehensive agreed-upon deliverable. Students will also make a final class presentation, which businesses will be invited to attend.

To take advantage of this free service, please contact Mary Beth Goodrich:

Mary Beth Goodrich Proconnect

Mary Beth Goodrich

Business Relationship Manager | (972) 883-4775 | JSOM 4.205

Sample Projects

Ad Hoc Assistance to Management

  • Analysis of corporate costs
  • Accounting initiatives related to strategic projects and related research

Business Operations Performance Improvement Projects

  • Analysis of cost of service delivery to determine and contrast margins realized on services offered
  • Analysis of overhead and other indirect costs to identify potential reductions and appropriate allocation to service lines or product groups

General Projects

  • Business plan formulation with a main focus on accounting proformas
  • Tax, analysis or other accounting research
  • Design financial models for income statements, balance sheet and cash flow
  • Forecasting and budget development
  • Process flowcharts, controls and recommendations
  • Evaluation of internal controls
  • Analyze accounting systems needs and evaluate available software alternatives
  • Analyze financials to identify patterns
  • Develop a chart of accounts and measurable metrics
  • Internal process assessments

Financial Performance Improvement Projects

  • Analysis of historical cash flow seasonality
  • Development of spreadsheet models for financial analysis, financial
  • projects, cash flow planning

For Accounting Firms Only

  • Research into new areas of product or service offerings
  • Assist with marketing efforts / customer satisfaction / retention strategies


Delighted to partner with the DFW Minority Supplier Development Council and assist Certified Business Enterprises!

Esteemed partner from the inception of ProConnect who has made an immeasurable contribution to the success of Masters of Accounting students.

ProConnect Testimonials

Li (Alice) Du portrait

Li (Alice) Du, Class of 2020

Sichuan, China – Class of 2020

The Accounting Communications course was the most rewarding and memorable experience for me this summer – I am amazed by my improvement.” Read Alice’s full testimonial.
Yincheng (Raymond) Yan portrait

Yincheng (Raymond) Yan

Shandong, China – Class of 2019

The ProConnect program provided me, an international student without any experience working in America, a precious opportunity to learn to communicate with a foreign client. By working with my fantastic client and my excellent teammates, I improved my communication skills, teamwork, leadership, and most importantly, my confidence.

Accounting Program Resources at the Jindal School

Academic Programs – Primary

The accounting area offers a bachelor’s, master’s and PhD program.

Academic Programs – Additional

The accounting area also offers certificates, capstone projects and accelerated pathways to adding more degrees.

CPA, Career and Tutoring

Learn more about the CPA exam and how the Jindal School prepares you for it. Find out the certifications and accounting career resources available to you and see when and where you can get tutoring assistance with your accounting courses.

Faculty and Community Activity

Discover how accounting faculty are researching, publishing, speaking and engaging in the business community.