Student Experience – PPA

student experience, professional program in accounting students at a bowling alley
A group of PPA students having a night out

What is it like to be in PPA?

PPA students are the brightest and best accounting students, but the PPA experience goes beyond coursework. You will have many opportunities to grow both personally and professionally, while creating lasting friendships that will continue past graduation.

Student Testimonials

Ted Atkins, PPA 15

Grant Thornton Audit

The PPA program really helped me integrate well into the corporate world of networking as well as remainder of my college years. PPA gave me a group of peers to rely on as we went through the recruiting experience and harder classes together. I feel that I’ve created life-long friendships and am glad to see my own personal and professional growth as well.

Lalitha Sankaramanchi, PPA 15

KPMG Audit

PPA has had the biggest impact on my college career- giving me opportunities to recruit with amazing firms, allowing me to find a support system among my peers and mentors in the program, and pushing me to grow as a student and young professional. I don’t know where I’d be without PPA and the people in it who have shaped me into who I am today!
See all PPA Student Testimonials

Recruiting Process

PPA is the best resource to help students connect with public accounting firms. As a PPA student, you will have opportunities to participate in professional development sessions, firm presentations, interviews, social mixers, and office visits.

Learn more about companies who recruit PPA students

Recruitment Testimonials

Monica Medina, PPA 13

Monica Medina, PPA 13

Future Intern, PwC

Being a part of PPA has changed the course of my experience at UTD in the greatest way possible! Recruitment was an incredible opportunity to have access to multiple personal interactions with firm recruiters & professionals. During these occasions it allowed me to be able to build those strong connections and get a better look into each firm to help make a better-informed decision about my future. Read Monica’s full testimonial.

Jared Parkinson, PPA 13

Jared Parkinson, PPA 13

Future Intern, KPMG

The PPA recruitment process at UTD is one of a kind. From day one, I was exposed to public accounting professionals who offered excellent advice and expertise on careers in accounting. It also provided a platform for me to network with a variety of accounting firms to find which firm best fits with my career goals and personal life. Read Jared’s full testimonial.

Diego Figueroa, PPA 13

Diego Figueroa, PPA 13

Future Intern, PwC

Although recruitment underwent a massive change, I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. All the firms transitioned well to virtual recruitment, providing various opportunities and connections that one would’ve made otherwise in person. Whether it be panels, games, or coffee chats, each firm had unique ideas to make sure the recruitment process was not only informative, but also interactive and easy going. Read Diego’s full testimonial.

Aubrey Robert

Aubrey Roberts, PPA 13

Future Intern, RSM

Joining PPA has been one of the best experiences in my college career. Along with learning new skills and meeting wonderful like-minded individuals, I have been able to build upon my existing skill set and develop the confidence to feel comfortable in any professional setting. Read Aubrey’s full testimonial.

Bailey Stone – PPA 13

Bailey Stone

Future Intern, EY

This past year, PPA has helped me grow both professionally and personally like I never have before. I had an amazing recruiting experience, even in the middle of a pandemic. As students outside of the program lost internships and had to start their job search from scratch, I was still able to choose from multiple internship offers. Read Bailey’s full testimonial.

See all PPA Recruitment Testimonials

Firm Sponsor Testimonials

Sara Meek

RSM Talent Acquisition Campus Manager

At RSM we are continually impressed with the students at the University of Texas at Dallas and appreciate our relationship with the PPA program, as well as many other student organizations and programs across the university. UTD continues to be a top producing school at RSM across all lines of business! The genuine care and effort Tiffany and Blair dedicate to ensuring students are prepared for not only the recruitment process, but also prepared for the next chapter of their professional careers, is unmatched. We always enjoy giving UTD alumni the opportunity to return to campus to spend time with students and recruit their future colleagues!

Ernie Lowery, Director, PWC

Ernie Lowery

Director, PWC

I always enjoy coming back to UT Dallas to recruit and interact with the students in the Professional Program in Accounting. I’ve benefited by having PPA alumni on my engagement teams and I, myself, am one as well!

See all PPA Firm Sponsor Testimonials
Two Professional Program in Accounting students hanging out by the huge photo cord board

Exclusive PPA Lounge

The PPA Lounge serves as a communal space for our members to focus on their studies and develop relationships with their PPA peers.

PPA Events

As a member of PPA, you will participate in various networking and social events. We strive to build a strong community within PPA and establish a lifelong network.

Professional Program in Accounting students at the PPA kickball tournament

Kickball Tournament

This will be the PPA’s fourth annual kickball tournament. Students will split into teams and spend the afternoon in some fun, friendly competition! RSM will host the tournament and bring professionals to interact with the students.

Two Professional Program in Accounting students hang out at the PPA Fall Social Event.

PPA Fall Social

We host a social in the fall for all PPA classes. This is a great time for classes to interact and celebrate the fall semester.

Two Professional Program in Accounting students having a good time at the graduation lunch

Graduation Lunch

The program directors host a lunch for the graduating bachelor’s degree class.

The entire PPA class dressed in business casual for the year's first social event.

Kick-Off Social

The kickoff social is the first opportunity for PPA 13 students to meet fellow classmates and get to know each other. KPMG will host the social, providing a networking lunch and a soft skills presentation.

Professional Program in Accounting students work on their gingerbread house.

PPA Holiday Party

The PPA Holiday Party is a great way for students to connect outside the classroom and build friendships with other PPA students. Moss Adams will host the Holiday Party this year and will bring professionals to join in on the networking and fun!

Professional Program in Accounting students have a night out on the town.

Recruiting Events in the Spring

(BKD Community Service, Etiquette Lunch, Case Comp)

We hold several recruiting events hosted by different firms throughout the spring semester. BKD will host a community service event; BDO will host an etiquette lunch; and LGT will host the case competition.

Alumni Event

PPA alumni gather at a venue in Dallas for an evening of reconnecting and fun!

Four Professional Program in Accounting students gathered for a celebratory dinner

Graduation Dinner

The program directors host a dinner for the graduating master’s degree class.

Professional Development

A significant component of PPA is enhancing students’ professional development skills to ensure they are competitive candidates for internships. PPA students participate in a variety of professional development events, which include:

  • Résumé and networking sessions
  • Dining etiquette lunch
  • Mock interviews with partners from public accounting firms
  • Panel discussion with partners from public accounting firms on the difference between audit and tax
  • Excel training session
  • How to be successful in your public accounting internship panel discussion
  • How to be successful on the CPA exam panel discussion

Student Accomplishments

PPA Student Achievements

Hayden Becker – PPA 11

Hayden Becker, PPA 11

$10,000 PCAOB Recipient; KPMG Internship program in Moscow

Jordan Anwer – PPA 10

Jordan Anwer, PPA 10

First UT Dallas student to be selected to FASB postgraduate technical assistant program

Britanny Weber portrait

Brittany Weber, PPA 6

Amsterdam Rotation with EY

Sidney Khasacha – PPA 11

Sidney Khasacha, PPA 11

$10,000 AICPA Scholarship Recipient

Ethan Mader – PPA 13

Ethan Mader, PPA 13

First Place at the Eller College Collegiate Ethics Case Competition

Bailey Stone – PPA 13

Bailey Stone, PPA 13

$10,000 PCAOB Scholarship Recipient

Patricia Gomez Pimentel – PPA 12

Patricia Gomez Pimentel, PPA 12

$10,000 PCAOB Scholarship Recipient

Ravin Wilson – PPA 11

Ravin Wilson, PPA 11

EY Scholars Program; EY Internship Program in Australia

See all PPA Student Student Achievements

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