Accounting students, alumni, employers and partners talk about their invaluable academic experiences at the UT Dallas Jindal School of Management, providing advice, perspective, and vision.

Samuel Hartsough, Class of 2024
I’m a transfer student to UT Dallas. I’ve attended several other business schools in my journey to get an accounting degree. It wasn’t until I was enrolled in UTD’s accounting program that I truly felt I was welcomed and that the faculty and staff were engaged in helping me. I’ve made friends here, connected with faculty and found community at this university. I knew I wanted to go into accounting. UTD is the first university I’ve attended where I could realize that goal. Read Jackson’s full testimonial.

Jackson Kraynick, Class of 2024
The UTD accounting program is so enriching. It’s helped me discover my career path. It’s allowed me to connect with accounting alums and professors. It’s pushed me to excel in a field with untold opportunities. I’m so grateful I’ve spent meaningful years building the foundation of my career and life with UTD’s accounting program. Read Jackson’s full testimonial.

Megan Ng, Class of 2024
The UTD accounting program has supported me to excel academically and professionally. I was selected for the Professional Program in Accounting, which allows me to develop closer relationships with my peers and professors in a competitive environment. It’s allowed me to thrive. I serve as a mentor to accounting students and enjoy this chance to give back to other students.Read Megan’s full testimonial.

Cathy Li, PPA 15
In my senior spring semester, I had the opportunity to intern with the tax department at FORVIS. It was an amazing internship, and I learned so much more than I thought possible! I worked on a wide range of projects, met incredible people and gained invaluable real-world experience.

Abigail Muse, PPA 15
Moss Adams Tax
At Moss Adams, I had the opportunity to work on a wide variety of different types of projects and tax returns that gave me practical experience in how to provide client value and operate within the world of public accounting. Although my first tax returns seemed dauntingly insurmountable, my coworkers were always available to answer both short and long questions about aspects of work that I didn’t understand. I’m so grateful for how the PPA program and Moss Adams have trained me to succeed in public accounting and I look forward to rejoining Moss Adams full time after graduation.

Akita Patel, Class of 2022
Incoming State & Local Tax Associate, RSM
The Accounting program at The University of Texas at Dallas has helped me tremendously these past few years. I found my internship and future full-time job at RSM through this program and made many friends along the way. I have always felt supported during my time in the program and could not have done it without my peers and program advisors. I got the opportunity to be involved in the Professional Program in Accounting, and I am an Accounting Peer Mentor. Both have allowed me to be the best leader and accounting professional I could be. I will always remember my time in this program and what I have learned as I begin my professional career.

Helena Tran, Class of 2022
Incoming Duel Path Audit Associate, KPMG
Accounting classes at JSOM introduced me to excellent peers and mentors. The University of Texas at Dallas accounting degree provided in-depth knowledge and understanding of the subject. Furthermore, my time at JSOM prepared and solidified my decision to pursue a career in public accounting. I am grateful for the faculty’s support and guidance and the beautiful friendships I have made here.

Andres Andujar, Class of 2022
Incoming Audit Associate, Deloitte
I began my college journey in pre-medical and engineering studies. After transferring to The University of Texas at Dallas and changing majors twice, JSOM Faculty and Staff guided me toward accounting. I joined the Professional Program in Accounting (PPA) which delivered an unparalleled experience. I’ve had the opportunity to network with accomplished DFW Area Audit professionals who taught me the value of diverse academic backgrounds. My PPA cohort has become a tight-knit group of colleagues that remain supportive of each other as we pursue our CPA licenses and enter the public accounting profession. Being a PPA Class 14 Ambassador, Accounting Peer Mentor, and Transfer Mentor are roles that have allowed me to share my experiences, help new students, and strengthen my skills as a leader. The staff and faculty genuinely do everything possible to provide the resources and support to ensure success and cultivate leadership in graduates of the Accounting Program.

Sanjana Hedge, Class of 2022
Interned at KPMG in the Audit Department in Spring 2021
I was a Finance major three years ago. Writing my first journal entry made me switch majors, and I’ve never looked back. I can’t wait to start my time in public accounting next year and look back on my years of knowledge and friendship at UT Dallas.

Christine Quinto, Class of 2022
Intern, International Tax
The UT Dallas accounting program is more than an educational program. It is a labor of love, care, and passion from the faculty, staff, and mentors who make the program an incredible experience. I am grateful for the effort and support put into this program to those who work to make the best accounting professionals of tomorrow.

Parker Middleton
MS Accounting, Cohort Class of 2021
MS Business Analytics, Cohort Class of 2021
I absolutely loved my time in the MS Accounting Cohort Program at UT Dallas! As someone coming out of undergrad with a more general degree feeling ashamed, this M.S. program gave me the confidence and backing to approach big-name employers with ease, knowing that I had learned a valuable skill. In addition to the degree, the support that the faculty and staff poured out to us was incredibly warm and ever-present. I also loved being in the cohort program, which allowed for great activities throughout the year and an automatic network on campus. All in all, this program allowed me to get exactly what I was hoping for: respected credentials, community, and a great, full-time offer with a consulting company!

Sara Meek
RSM Talent Acquisition Campus Manager
At RSM we are continually impressed with the students at the University of Texas at Dallas and appreciate our relationship with the PPA program, as well as many other student organizations and programs across the university. UTD continues to be a top producing school at RSM across all lines of business! The genuine care and effort Tiffany and Blair dedicate to ensuring students are prepared for not only the recruitment process, but also prepared for the next chapter of their professional careers, is unmatched. We always enjoy giving UTD alumni the opportunity to return to campus to spend time with students and recruit their future colleagues!

Ernie Lowery
Director, PWC
I always enjoy coming back to UT Dallas to recruit and interact with the students in the Professional Program in Accounting. I’ve benefited by having PPA alumni on my engagement teams and I, myself, am one as well!

Bailey Stone
Future Intern, EY
This past year, PPA has helped me grow both professionally and personally like I never have before. I had an amazing recruiting experience, even in the middle of a pandemic. As students outside of the program lost internships and had to start their job search from scratch, I was still able to choose from multiple internship offers. Read Bailey’s full testimonial.

Jared Parkinson, PPA 13
Future Intern, KPMG
The PPA recruitment process at UTD is one of a kind. From day one, I was exposed to public accounting professionals who offered excellent advice and expertise on careers in accounting. It also provided a platform for me to network with a variety of accounting firms to find which firm best fits with my career goals and personal life. Read Jared’s full testimonial.

Monica Medina, PPA 13
Future Intern, PwC
Being a part of PPA has changed the course of my experience at UTD in the greatest way possible! Recruitment was an incredible opportunity to have access to multiple personal interactions with firm recruiters & professionals. During these occasions it allowed me to be able to build those strong connections and get a better look into each firm to help make a better-informed decision about my future. Read Monica’s full testimonial.

Diego Figueroa, PPA 13
Future Intern, PwC
Although recruitment underwent a massive change, I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. All the firms transitioned well to virtual recruitment, providing various opportunities and connections that one would’ve made otherwise in person. Whether it be panels, games, or coffee chats, each firm had unique ideas to make sure the recruitment process was not only informative, but also interactive and easy going. Read Diego’s full testimonial.

Aubrey Roberts, PPA 13
Future Intern, RSM
Joining PPA has been one of the best experiences in my college career. Along with learning new skills and meeting wonderful like-minded individuals, I have been able to build upon my existing skill set and develop the confidence to feel comfortable in any professional setting. Read Aubrey’s full testimonial.

Lalitha Sankaramanchi, PPA 15
KPMG Audit
PPA has had the biggest impact on my college career- giving me opportunities to recruit with amazing firms, allowing me to find a support system among my peers and mentors in the program, and pushing me to grow as a student and young professional. I don’t know where I’d be without PPA and the people in it who have shaped me into who I am today!

Ted Atkins, PPA 15
Grant Thornton Audit
The PPA program really helped me integrate well into the corporate world of networking as well as remainder of my college years. PPA gave me a group of peers to rely on as we went through the recruiting experience and harder classes together. I feel that I’ve created life-long friendships and am glad to see my own personal and professional growth as well.

Li (Alice) Du, Class of 2020
Sichuan, China – Class of 2020
The Accounting Communications course was the most rewarding and memorable experience for me this summer – I am amazed by my improvement.” Read Alice’s full testimonial.

Yincheng (Raymond) Yan
Shandong, China – Class of 2019
The ProConnect program provided me, an international student without any experience working in America, a precious opportunity to learn to communicate with a foreign client. By working with my fantastic client and my excellent teammates, I improved my communication skills, teamwork, leadership, and most importantly, my confidence.

Shruthi Pattabhi Shankar, Class of 2021
Current Student
The master’s in accounting program at UT Dallas has multiple tracks to offer, which adds best value to incoming students. Each track is tailor-made to suit the background and interests of the students. The program has a plethora of networking events and resources — to socialize, volunteer, meet prospective employers and make some amazing friends. The warmth and kindness of everyone in the department has made my transition here a smooth one.