IT Audit Manager – Global Sox Assurance; CBRE
In his role at the real estate services giant CBRE, Mangham manages IT audits for global operations, works on special projects for executives and manages remediation efforts. He says his degrees from Jindal School – an undergrad in finance, an MBA and a master’s degree in accounting – have helped him understand what it means to be a great manager. “I often utilize the skills that I’ve gained from being a part of the business school programs at UTD,” he says. “From power and politics, organization behavior, organization and communication skills, and many other aspects of my current role, I can attribute my success to the people I met and the classes I took during my journey at UTD.” Mangham has returned to help Jindal School students, serving in 2015 as the adviser to a team of five Jindal School accounting students who earned first place in the inaugural case competition sponsored by the Dallas office of Grant Thornton.
What do you enjoy about your current position/profession?
Managing people and being a part of their personal and professional growth.
How do you see your profession changing in the next five or 10 years?
We will become more global, interacting through technology with numerous business partners around the world.
What unexpected experience or event has shaped and/or influenced your professional life?
Having to work full time through all of my college years has contributed to my strong work ethic and ability to multitask.
What is a professional highlight of your career, either where you currently work or in the past?
At Grant Thornton, where I worked prior to CBRE, I was able to advance my career quickly due to the skills I obtained through graduate school.
What characteristics do you look for when hiring people into your workplace?
People who are proactive and can easily adapt to changes.
Why did you come to UT Dallas?
It was centrally located and affordable, and the quality of professors was amazing.
What is your favorite UT Dallas memory?
I went through the internal audit IAEP (Internal Auditing Education Partnership) program where I learned life skills and valuable insights that helped me transition into a new field after graduation. Plus, we had a lot of fun with the projects in the class.
Did a UT Dallas professor inspire you? Who was that and how was that person inspirational?
Mark Salamasick (retired professor who was IAEP director for many years) always told you how something was, whether it was good or bad. He also helped me decide the career choice that I have carried forward since finishing school at UT Dallas.
Has something about your UT Dallas education surprised you since graduating?
I feel the quality of my education is greater than the money I paid for it comparatively, especially when compared to other big universities.
What advice do you have for college students hoping to succeed professionally?
People skills are just as important as your education so it’s important to learn how to network and communicate effectively.
What makes an effective leader?
Passion for the people who work for you. If you don’t make your team a top priority, your success will be short lived.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, playing poker, fishing and traveling.