Professional Program in Accounting students and alumni talk about their invaluable academic experiences at the UT Dallas Jindal School of Management, providing advice, perspective, and vision.

Lalitha Sankaramanchi, PPA 15
KPMG Audit
PPA has had the biggest impact on my college career- giving me opportunities to recruit with amazing firms, allowing me to find a support system among my peers and mentors in the program, and pushing me to grow as a student and young professional. I don’t know where I’d be without PPA and the people in it who have shaped me into who I am today!

Ted Atkins, PPA 15
Grant Thornton Audit
The PPA program really helped me integrate well into the corporate world of networking as well as remainder of my college years. PPA gave me a group of peers to rely on as we went through the recruiting experience and harder classes together. I feel that I’ve created life-long friendships and am glad to see my own personal and professional growth as well.